We have begun to wrap things up in third grade. The students published short magazine articles about the life cycle of an animal. I will make this into a small magazine and send home with the students so you have a chance to read it! Some students even had the opportunity to write two articles! In Wonders, we read biographies about people who have accomplished their goals. We read about a few different astronauts and how they accomplished their goal, including James Lovell, Mae Jemison, and Ellen Ochua. Their biographies were so very interesting! I hope the students enjoyed them as much as I did. All three had a problem that they had to overcome in order to become an astronaut.
In math, we finished up our unit on shapes, lines, perimeter, and area. On Friday, a unit review was completed and sent home. Our test will be on Tuesday, June 16th. I believe we had a successful year in our new math program! I feel as though the students learned lots of new concepts!
Don't forget! Monday is Field Day! Wear sunscreen and sneakers. Friday is our class party and all are invited! Hope to see you there.