Friday, May 22, 2015

Week of 5-18

First of all, we would like to thank Mrs. Gallinaro for inviting us to Skype with Lauren Tarshis, the author of the "I Survived" books!!  Ms. Tarshis spoke so eloquently about her love of writing and how she became an author.  I was certainly inspired by her and I hope your children were as well.  I know I can't wait to read more of her books!  Visit her website for more information!

In Wonders, we began Week 5, in which we read about alternative types of energy!  It was so interesting!  The expository texts were about solar, wind, and water energy!  We learned how each one works and why renewable energy is important!  I was amazed at how many of the students knew someone who had solar panels on their roof, used solar panels to heat their pool, or even on their desk umbrella!  We continued to work on the cause and effect strategy.  In continuation from last week, we are finishing up our biographies!  Wow, it is amazing how much we have learned about a single person!  The students used the laptops to type up their three paragraphs and found a photograph of their person.  

We have begun to dive into area and perimeter in our last math unit! Wow!  I hope as we continue to practice we will remember that we find area and perimeter in two different ways.  This can be confusing for some third graders!  Next week we will take our first quiz on area and perimeter.  Continue to practice multiplication and division at home!

The crayfish are alive and kicking!  We labeled the parts of a crayfish and have identified that two of our crayfish are females and one is male!  The students continue to observe the crayfish every few days and learn the vocabulary associated with them.  Look for an upcoming test on the crayfish! 

Have a wonderful long weekend!  Don't forget to thank a Veteran and remember those who have served.