Sunday, April 12, 2015

Short Week

This week we finished up What Inspires Us in Wonders, and although it was a short week we got a lot accomplished! We created our own book of poems, which includes a variety of the different poem types we learned about this week. Some of them are free verse, rhyming, haiku, repetition, onomatopoeia, and also alliteration! It was very nice to get a chance to show our creative sides. 

In math this week we started leaning about measurement! We did an excellent job learning about inches, and half inches with our rulers. Next week we start using our rulers and measuring to the nearest quarter inch! 

We also started to learn about Global Trade, and also that it takes a whole country to wake us up in the morning! It was very cool to see all the different countries that our objects were made from. We did a class tally, and we found that the majority of our objects we found from our item hunt were from China! 

Just a reminder to bring in healthy snacks that have seeds, we will be investigating and dissecting our seeds this week!