Saturday, February 28, 2015

Week of February 23

February has come and gone!  I can't believe it!  This week, we began a new math unit about fractions.  We began with discussing the parts of a fraction, numerator and denominator.  The class and I discussed how you determine both parts of the fraction.  We looked at a "whole", as well as a group of items.  The students also worked with pattern blocks to determine fractions.  The unit on fractions will continue for the next few weeks.

Miss Prettyman began a new unit in Wonders.  The essential question was "What good choices are good for us".  We read two folktales and worked with point of view, as well as root words.  In writing, we continued with the ACE strategy.  We wrote about a time capsule, after we read about one in a Scholastic News.  They found a time capsule made by Samuel Adams and Paul Revere!  It was very interesting!

In social studies, the students read about supply and demand.  We needed to identify the terms supply and demand.  Miss Prettyman discussed why a price goes down (high supply and low demand) or why a price goes up (low supply and high demand).  We learned so much!  Thanks Miss Prettyman! :-)