February has been flying by! We completed Unit 3 of Wonders. The past two weeks, we have read lots and lots of expository texts. The students and I learned information about the Oregon Trail, as well as the first transcontinental railroad. These were two events in American history that changed the way Americans lived. The essential question was "How is each event in history unique?" The comprehension strategies that were focused on were sequencing and main idea and key details. Suffixes were an important part of this unit as well.
In writing, we have been practicing how you write an answer to a prompt. This is not only preparing us for the PARCC, but for the rest of our lives. As you know, students are asked over and over again to answer a prompt and they need to know how to answer it correctly. We have been focusing on "ACE"ing the prompts. A= answer the prompt by restating it. C= cite text evidence. E= extend your answer! I have seen such improvement since we started using this acronym.
Miss Prettyman has taken over social studies! We learned about some interesting people who made an impact on their community. The students had the wonderful opportunity of making a paper mache statue of one of the people they learned about!
In honor of the 100th day of school, we are trying to accomplish 100 acts of kindness. Your child is in charge of 7 acts before Wednesday! I can't wait to see what they accomplish!
Stay warm! :-)