This week, we were all very excited to welcome Miss Prettyman, our teacher candidate (aka student teacher). The students gave her a very warm welcome and we are all excited for the upcoming weeks!
The students' hard work paid off and they did very well on the science test! Thank you for helping your child! In social studies, we discussed Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. We read about him and watched a short piece of his "I have a Dream" speech. The students then wrote about their dreams and we created dove hand prints to symbolize peace.
We began a very interesting week in Wonders. "What do we know about Earth and its neighbors?" In our small reading groups, we learned lots of facts about Saturn and even that NASA sent a space craft there to learn more about Saturn and its moons! Sooo cool!! We read about the Hubble Telescope and tracked it online. Another website celebrated 25 years of the Hubble Telescope and showed us photographs that it had taken! Amazing! This week, NASA released a huge photograph that Hubble took! We read that it would take 600 TVs to display the entire photograph. Can you tell we loved learning about this!?
Here are the websites:
Hubble Telescope
Hubble Tracking
In math, we began a new Math Unit about time and volume. We first began with a review of telling time and now are onto elapsed time. This can be a hard concept, but the students are working diligently to get it!