Friday, December 5, 2014

Hello December!

It is hard to believe that December is already here!  This week, we of course wrapped up another Wonders week!  Our essential question was "How do people make government work?"  We read A LOT about voting and why it is important to vote.  There is a group who teaches kids about the importance of voting.  We also learned some interesting facts about how our Founding Fathers came up with The Constitution!  Today, we took yet another weekly assessment, which will come home next week.  My goal for this marking period is to grade tests quicker and give them back to the students faster!  

In math, we are quickly wrapping up our multiplication unit.  The unit also went into determining the area of rectangles and squares, which of course is multiplication!  We took two quizzes this week.  You have already seen the first one and the second one will also come home next week.  Your child may be taking the quiz over again on Monday.  

In social studies, we have begun an interesting unit about winter holidays around the world!  Each student chose a winter holiday from a list of four that they thought they would want to learn more about.  They are then put into Inquiry Groups.  These groups will learn so much about their topic and eventually present it to the class.  What is your child's topic, the Chinese New Year, Hanukkah, Diwali, or Bodhi Day?  

Did you child tell you about our disappearing popcorn bin?!  It had some of our classroom money in it and we have no idea where it is!  We can't believe that it is gone.  It baffles us all! :-)