Here is your weekly update!
In social studies, we continue to research winter holidays to eventually present to the class what we learned! The students are becoming experts on their winter holiday. In science, we began to study the layers of the Earth, inner core, outer core, mantle, and crust. We watched a really fun song (here) and also began to learn about the different layers and what those layers are. We will continue both next week!
"How can people help animals survive?" This was our essential question of the week. We learned about so many different types of endangered animals that have received help from people to thrive. One example is the bald eagle, that was close to extinction, but people changed the laws and now they are not even on the endangered list! Wow! Ask your child what other animals we read about. My favorite story was about the whooping cranes! To go along with our reading, we are writing a report on one endangered animal. We looked at the endangered list on the World Wild Life website and chose an animal that is endangered or critically endangered! The third graders are learning some interesting facts about some animals that we weren't familiar with.
We finished our multiplication math unit and have now moved onto division. I think the students were at first intimidated by division, but soon realized that because we are now experts in multiplication, division is not so difficult! Keep practicing those facts!
The third graders are finishing up December strong! Keep up the great work third grade! See you on Monday! :-)