Sunday, November 16, 2014


Well, November is flying by!

We began a new Wonders Unit.  Our first week included the essential question "Why is working together a good way to solve a problem?"  We discussed folktales, and how they are passed from generation to generation and usually teach a lesson or the theme.  The students read about Anansi, the spider, who learned not to trick other animals.  We also read about how a roadrunner was created.  Students completed theme charts to discover themes and the details that supported the theme.  

As seen from our homework, we are writing a "how-to."  The students chose one of their ideas.  We are aiming to write a 4 paragraph essay explaining our how to.  This means, the students must include many details about their topic. 

In math, we continue to discuss multiplication.  Students are learning how to write multiplication number stories!  It is amazing how these have improved over the past few weeks.  This can be difficult!  I applaud the continued hard work at home to study the multiplication facts.  

Who works at city hall?  This is a question we are currently answering.  The students are paired up and are learning about one of the departments or people who work at city hall.  We know that Woodbury Heights is called Borough Hall and it is interesting to begin to learn just how Woodbury Heights runs so smoothly!  Each pair of students are making a poster and then will be preparing a news broadcast about their topic!  

I will begin to see many of you at conferences starting on Thursday.  If you have not returned your conference sheet, please do so ASAP.  :-)  See you soon!