Saturday, November 1, 2014

October is over!

I cannot believe how fast the school year has been going!  This week, we finished up Unit 1 in Wonders.  We reviewed our comprehension skills and grammar skills.  The students wrote a story convincing me whether they wanted to be carved into a jack-o-lantern or stay a pumpkin!  The stories were hilarious!  Look in your child's red folder to see their stories. 

We also read a special story by Patricia Polacco, "Thunder Cake." The story is about how Patricia overcomes her fear of thunderstorms, by baking a cake with her grandmother.  We even made our own Thunder Cake!  Here is a slice!

I must commend the students on their hard work on memorizing the Halloween poems that were sent home.  The students earned money based on whether they memorized the poems or read them!  I loved listening to the students read and recite poems.  We plan on doing this again at Thanksgiving!

We began our new math unit on multiplication.  The students are on the right track for this unit, as we have been studying the facts since the beginning of the school year.  Keep studying those facts, the hard work is paying off!

Thank you to all parents who helped out for our Halloween Party!  It was a great success! Here is a picture from our Halloween activities before the party!