We finished up Wonders about how solutions to problems create inventions! I introduced metaphors and we looked up some interesting metaphors! Today we took a reading assessment, which will be sent home next week to be signed and returned.
This month's theme is TEAMWORK! We wrote about how to be a great team member. The students had to use sequencing words and complete sentences to write a "how-to." Next, we made a mummy, because we are such great team members...it's "scary!" Continuing with this theme, Mrs. Fletcher arranged a wonderful assembly with "BlackJack", a member of the Harlem Wizards. He talked about overcoming adversity to become a fantastic basketball player. A few students from our class even got to assist BlackJack with some fun activities!
Today, we took a quiz on subtraction, which is what we have been working on these past few weeks. The quizzes will be coming home on Monday. You and your child will be able to discuss the quiz and decide together if your child will take a requiz.
Keep your eye out for an invitation to our upcoming Veteran's Day presentation!