Saturday, October 11, 2014

Week of 10-6

This week is called the Week of Respect.  The students had fun participating in all the special activities that were planned, from Jersey Day to Stuffed Animal Day!  We discussed bullying and read some of Patricia Polacco's book Bully.  We also had fun taking part in Fire Prevention Week.  I know that I learned a lot about the fire truck that visited the school!  

We wrapped up discussing traditions in Wonders.  Our new essential question is  "How can problem solving lead to new ideas?"  We read about the man who invented earmuffs and the woman who came up with the idea of windshield wipers!  So cool! :-)  Our comprehension strategies include asking questions while reading, and cause and effect.  We began a discussion about metaphors and students will have the opportunity to write their own metaphors.  Another important grammar skill that we are working on is parts of a sentence- subject and predicate.  

In math, we finished up the addition section of the unit and took our quiz, which hopefully your have seen.  Please sign and return.  Now, we are onto subtraction, including subtracting 2 and 3 digit numbers.  We are remembering that sometimes you need to regroup when subtracting.  

In social studies, we continued our unit on cardinal directions and reading a map.  Next up are some fun science experiments!

You probably know that we are planning a special Veteran's Day program.  We have yet to determine a date that this will take place, but will let you know as soon as possible!