Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Late Post!

I am sorry for the delayed post!!!

This past week, we completed Week 1 of Wonders.  Our essential question was "What can stories teach us?"  We read about Bruno, a bear, who received help from a squirrel in finding a new home.  Bruno read about a mouse helping a lion and realized that the squirrel could help him, even though he was a small animal.  Another story titled "Wolf!" was about a wolf learning how to read.  The wolf was very dedicated and took lots of steps in order to achieve his goal. The students took their first reading assessment, which will come home later this week.

In Social Studies, we continued to study and review the location of the 7 continents and the 4 oceans.  A study guide came home Tuesday night (9-23) and our quiz will be on September 30th.  

Please remember to keep up with the multiplication facts and reading log!