Saturday, September 27, 2014

Week of 9-22

This week, we continued to study and review continents and oceans.  I also introduced cardinal and intermediate directions.  On Friday, each student made a compass rose.  They have been really learning the directions!  On Tuesday, September 30th, we have a quiz on the continents and oceans!  Don't forget.

We began a new week of Wonders.  This week we focused on cultures and traditions.  The students shared some of their traditions!  We read "The Dream Catcher" in which a boy learns about his Native American culture.  Another interesting story taught us about how the stone jade is important in Korean culture.  Four types of sentences were introduced, as well as new vocabulary words.  The students practiced writing the four types of sentences and we played a game on the STARboard.  Your child may log-in to their Wonders account at home if they remember their password.  

In math, we continued to work on place value and rounding.  The students worked extra hard on these concepts.  We have been using the responders almost everyday and can't wait to show you how they work at Back to School Night.  Even though we are only a few weeks into school, I have seen the students show that they are able to not only answer a math question, but explain their thinking behind their answer.  This has been a new concept for third graders, but I appreciate their effort!  

As I mentioned, Back to School Night is October 2nd.  A letter came home with the schedule.  This letter can also be accessed on the school website!  See you Thursday!