The third graders made it through their first full week of school and I must give them a compliment. The students were well-behaved, hard workers, and attentive to the rules of third grade. I appreciate that all students turned in their homework assignments and the majority of students completed their reading/multiplication log.
This week, we began Daily 5. The students were old pros at this, which made my job easier! However, a change in third grade is that the students will have a checklist that needs to be completed by the end of the week. The students are responsible for moving through the Daily 5 work at their own pace, but completing the assignments by the end of the week. I had multiple students who completed the assignments and had the opportunity to earn extra money for completing extra credit. Ask your child if they were one of these students. I hope that next week all students are able to complete the Daily 5 checklist.
We also dove into the new path program, called PMI. The students are responsible for a math binder, that has the slideshow printed out, as well as the classwork/homework pages. We had lots of fun responding on the responders to questions that are on the SMARTboard. The students reviewed place value, from the thousands to the ones. We discussed the value of digits. Some new terms were introduced as well: standard, numeric, and expanded form. As you saw in their homework, the students worked on writing numbers these three ways. We took our first quiz on Friday and on Monday I will give the quiz back. If students did not score a 100%, they will have the opportunity to re-quiz if they wish.
The week ended with an assembly about the upcoming theme of the 2014-2015 school year. All students are focusing on goal-setting. As a class we made a goal that we will become experts at using the responders and all students will participate in group discussions. Students also made their own goal, which are hung in the classroom.
I hope you enjoyed your weekend...see you on Monday!