Friday, March 28, 2014

Week of March 24th

Hopefully, you saw one piece of writing come home that was a practice for the NJ ASK.  We created our own kid friendly rubric, that the students used to grade each other's writing.  After doing this one time, I realized that it would be helpful to have students write a few comments for the other student.  We tried this yesterday and it was amazing how insightful they were!  These writings will be passed out on Monday and then will come home.  

We began a unit about inspiration!  We read poems about people who were inspiring.  Each poem had a theme or lesson.  My favorite poem was about firefighters and it reminded me of Mr. Lizza!  It is a lot of fun to read the poems because they have rhythm and rhyme!  

Finally, we are back to social studies!  We began a unit about supply and demand.  The students learned the definition of each and we had many conversations about high supply/low demand and low supply/high demand.  We discussed what would happen to the price of the item if each of these situations occurred!  It is amazing how much the students knew and how much they learned.  

The students have done an amazing job with their multiplication facts!  Each Friday when I test them, I can't believe how much they know!  Keep practicing!