Saturday, April 5, 2014

On to April!!

We completed Unit 4 of Wonders this week!  The assessment was given and has already been sent home.  We finished the week with a Readers Theater and it was a lot of fun to practice it!  The story was funny and entertaining!  The students also had a poetry review packet to complete.  They memorized a short poem and did a fantastic job.  They chose some silly poems to memorize!  Some students wrote their own poems, also.  Their assignment included a poetry scavenger hunt as well.  The students got paid for the work that they completed.  

The third graders continued to practice with NJ ASK writing prompts.  You may have seen a few of them come home with a rubric attached.  Another student graded the assignment and I also graded it.  I have seen improvements in the students, as they work on adding spicy words, openings, and closings!  

In math, we continued to practice multiplying 2 digit by 2 digit numbers.  The students need to continue to practice this and their basic facts.  We reviewed Unit 9 on Thursday and Friday and will be taking a math assessment on Monday.  Please find the study guide in your child's red folder and go over it before Monday.