This week, we began to discuss the essential question "How do people figure things out." The students read poems that discussed inventions and how the narrator figured out a problem. We learned about free verse poems and limericks. Limericks have special rules, while a free verse can be written any way! We discussed the narrator's point of view in each poem, as well as similes.
The students have been working on procedural texts and used alpha-boxes to help organize their thoughts. Next, students used six boxes to plan the order of their procedural text. Mrs. Selby then helped us write the procedural text on the computers.
In math, we continue to go through the multiplication facts. The students are becoming multiplication stars by playing games in class, practicing their flash cards, and practicing at home. We have learned some special tricks, including the nine facts trick using our fingers to help us! The students took a quiz on Friday and will have the opportunity to requiz if needed. Keep practicing!
We continue to discuss volcanoes and learn about the types of volcanoes. The three types are very different in the way they look and the way that they explode. Volcanoes are so cool! Check out this website to learn more!
I look forward to meeting with you for parent-teacher conferences! Thank you to those parents who have already attended!