Even though it was a four day week, we sure got a lot accomplished! The students worked very hard on multiple meaning words. We discovered that words can have more than 1 meaning. The students used their dictionaries to find a meaning and I gave them another meaning. The students loved using their new dictionaries to find the meanings and they are getting better at it each time. As you saw, we took a modified reading test, with one reading passage, along with the vocabulary words from our stories. In the future, we will used similar reading tests. We began Unit 2 of Wonders. Our essential question is "Why is working together a good way to solve a problem?" We are reading folktales that teach us a lesson about working together.
In social studies, we are wrapping up learning about the four cardinal directions and the four intermediate directions. We made a compass rose and practicing moving using the cardinal directions. We had lots of fun.
We again met with our book buddies! The students cut out the Ivan that they had painted last week. Ivan was glued onto a piece of paper that the students colored a background of where he had lived. We love meeting with our book buddies!
Last, in math, we are wrapping up the unit on place value! We continued solving three digit subtraction problems and moved onto subtraction number stories. We will wrap up the unit this coming week with a unit test! Be on the lookout for a study guide!